Trusting in Tough Times
Personal Communion Produces Intimate Trust
Ibelieve, help my unbelief (Mark 9:24). Ever been there? This is just what we so often feel when life throws trials our way.
My wife and I faced a long series of major health and family challenges starting in 2011. There were times when trusting the Lord was not easy, but I found that having regular times of personal communion helped me a lot. During those intimate times I wrote out what the Lord said to me. (His words are in italics).
“Communion is all about focusing on Me and learning trust. When you take the bread, My body given for you, you have a connection and a gateway into seeing what trust really is all about. You are growing in trust, you are seeing just how trustworthy I am. The peace you have is because you have placed your worries and fears in My hands and are believing that I can carry them.”
“When I was praying in the garden the night before My death, I was in deep anguish, great pain and concern because I knew what was coming. I knew that the very next day I would face excruciating pain, both physically and emotionally. I knew I was going to die a painful death. I knew that My pain would be even worse because, for the first time, I would be separated from My father, forsaken as I would become the sacrifice for all mankind for all time.
The pain was covering and filling My prayers; the anguish was indescribable. Yet I knew My father. I knew His love and His plan and His ways. So in all My pain, I trusted him. I trusted that he was God, in charge of all, and over everything I was facing. It was My complete trust that carried Me. It was My sure knowledge that although I had never experienced what was set before Me, I could do it because He is My Father and He loves Me.
My trust was based on our relationship. Each moment that I continued on My journey to the cross, each step that I survived increased My trust. My faith grew step by step. Though My strength weakened, My faith and trust increased. Finally, when I gave up My life, I knew it was time and I had complete trust in the blessed outcome that would result.
My trust got Me through the garden prayers, through the scourging, the humiliation, the pain, the despair, and through death. My trust was My strength and My strength was in My ever-loving Father who was the answer in all ways.”
“You see this in the bread of communion. Eat always remembering My life, My death, and My resurrection as the markers for your life. Trust as I trusted, believe as I believed. Take communion in hope of what I prepared for you. This truth is sealed by the cup of the covenant. I shed My blood for this eternal covenant. In believing you receive, in trusting you live!”
Personal communion is a wonderful way to draw near to Jesus. The communion elements are like a lens that focuses our thoughts on who He is, what He has done and How much He loves us. I encourage you to set aside time to have communion with the Lord. As you partake, quiet your mind, focus on Him and write down the thoughts that He shares with you! I know that if you regularly take the time to do this you will be blessed. You will see your loving Lord in new ways.
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